Monday, April 22, 2019

"Do What They Do, But Do It Like You" is available on Amazon!

For anyone who has been following this blog for the last few years, you may remember this post from two years ago.

During this time, I was working on the concept of a book I wanted to write.

That book is now finished and available on Amazon!!

Do What They Do, But Do It Like You is a work that is near and dear to my heart.

This book leads the reader through strategies and questions to discover how we can implement what we learn from others while maintaining what makes us uniquely great.

Get your copy today for only $6.99! 

Looking forward to hearing your feedback and your updates after completing the activities.

How I am losing the weight

For the past several weeks I have been on a journey to get back into healthy habits. This time I decided not to post when I was starting and see what happens.

It has been such a blessing to have friends and family notice and ask what I am doing.

For the most part, I am being conscious of what I eat and how much I am eating take-out food.

This strategy not only helps with making better decisions but saves a lot of money.

In addition, I have been using Arbonne products. I am not here to tell you that one health product is better than another. However, I wanted to share what I am using.

Exercise will be the next thing I add to the plan. I am excited about my results so far and will keep going.

While there will be many that debate what strategy you use, what products you use, and how you decide to execute your health plan, I would say find a groove that works for you and stick with it.