Saturday, February 15, 2020

Get Off Your Damn Phone

One of the best signs I’ve seen was on daycare center door and it said something to the effect of “Get off your phone. Your child is happy to see you. Aren’t you happy to see your child? Get off your phone.”

I don’t think any parent means to not give their child the proper attention but the addiction of our cell phones has unfortunately taken priority.

Cell phone addiction tied to feeling like everything must be viewed or responded to right now has taken over our common sense.

Today, my daughter and I went for our tri-weekly trip to the nail salon. It never ceases to amaze how others at the nail salon can’t break away from their phones long enough to get a manicure. Many have their phones on speaker which is rude to the rest of us. In addition, they never take the time to greet and change pleasantries with their nail tech.

And don’t even get me started on people being on their phones while driving?!

There is absolutely no phone call, social media post, or text that cannot wait until you have safely arrived to your destination. Risking yourself is one thing but risking others is unacceptable.

And here is one more...have you ever been out to lunch or dinner with someone and noticed another couple or family who spends their entire time on their phones? To each their own, but we have truly become over the top with our addictions to the point we can’t seem to break away.

How can we help each other overcome this?

Where are we headed if we don’t overcome it?

What does it take for some of us to prioritize and get off the damn phone?!

Share your thoughts in the comments.

Image obtained from

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Conversion Therapy Should Be A Crime

While sitting in the lobby at my dentist’s office this week, there was a news show on with a lady talking about the harm that conversion therapy caused to her life.

If you are not familiar with conversion therapy, here is a link to an explanation as defined on the public knowledge sharing site, Wikipedia.

The woman on the show advised she paid $270 weekly for conversion therapy to help her transition from her natural homosexuality to becoming heterosexual. The end result of the therapy did not change her nature. It caused psychological harm.

This story disturbed me for many reasons:

1) The existence of this therapy suggests that homosexuality is wrong. I do not agree with this. And yes, I am a God-fearing woman, who believes we all exist to be loving and helpful to one another.

2) This woman was being charged this fee by her church. These people took her money and tried to psychologically get her to change a part of who she is. A church is a place of healing. Not a place to be swindled.

3) Homosexuality is not some illness that people go to a doctor, or any other type of healer, to change. This day and age we have so many young people committing suicide due to not being accepted for who they are. A church should not be adding to this.

4) Sexuality is personal. It is a natural part of us that we self-identify. It is not something that someone else dictates.

5) Charging someone money to try and psychologically change who they are to fit who we think they should be should be a crime. We are not talking about killers, thieves, rapists, or others who seek to harm others. Those who seek to harm others need psychological help. Not people who are attracted to the same sex.

Ugh....I could go on and on about this but I will leave it here.

I know many people will disagree with my stance on this and I understand. Post your comments. Let’s try to be understanding with one another.

Image obtained from