Saturday, November 11, 2017

Be the Reason Someone is Grateful

What are you grateful for?

Significant other? Children? Possessions? Opportunities?

There are so many things each of us has to be grateful for. The very breath we are taking at this moment is a blessing.

No one ever said this thing called life would be easy but in all things we can find something to be grateful for.

The question of the day, however, is: Who is grateful due to actions or words that have come from you?

You have been created uniquely wonderful and with a purpose. We are all blessed with the ability, and prayerfully the desire, to make a positive impact on the lives of others.

That being said, take a moment take inventory of those who could add you to their list of people to be grateful for.

This list is not for bragging or for us to puff out our chests and say "Look at me. I'm awesome." This list is for a couple of different reasons. Number 1, this list should allow you to realize that you have even more to be grateful for because you had the resources, the message, or the talent, to bless so many others.

Number 2, is to keep us focused on walking in our purpose and understanding that when we use the gifts and talents God has given us to bless others, we are not only showing God how grateful we are, we are attracting more things in our lives for which to express gratitude, and we are setting in motion a beautiful powerful domino effect with no limits.

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