Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Praying for Kevin Hart and Jared Black

If you missed the update on the car crash, here is a link from the TMZ website.

When I heard the news about Kevin Hart, my heart dropped like it would for a close friend. I do not personally know Kevin Hart or know anyone that knows him. But, over the years of being a fan, reading his book, and seeing his posts and beautiful family on social media, I feel attached.

It hurt to hear that Kevin is hurt. Thankfully, it sounds like his back surgery went well. I pray Jared Black, the driver according to the TMZ report, is doing better as well. Thankfully, Jared's fiance (also according to the TMZ report) was able to walk away from the accident with minor injuries.

Kevin Hart is a living legend and I have no doubt this will be another part of life that he will conquer like a champion!

What was your thought when you heard about the accident? Share.

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