Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Do you know what is amazing about praying friends?

Like most people, I like to think I am pretty level headed and tough when it comes to handling life's various challenges. Earlier this week, I found myself feeling very stressed, discouraged and even lost on what direction was right for my life.

Not knowing what to do, I knew I needed to reach out for some encouragement and guidance. I turned to a social network of family and friends who regularly post positive and encouraging things (not to post the details of what I am going through but to express that I am stressed and need some guidance).

The response from so many was heartfelt prayers, love, encouragement, and support. Many not only posted right then but posted back later, or sent me a text message, or called later, and the next day, to ask how I am doing and to breathe encouraging life into me.

Do you know what is amazing about praying friends and family? It is the fact that anyone can help you on their own power. But friends who will petition the power that is greater than all of us are friends that want the very best for us.

To those friends and family I extend my most heartfelt thank you. I also want to encourage others that even when you feel alone you are not. There are amazing people in the world. Surround yourself with those people, both physically and via social media. Social media, like many other things in life, is about what we make it. These family and friends make it a place of love.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

The best way to take out your emotions is.....

The best way to take out your emotions is on your talent. Whether the emotion is high (i.e. happiness, excitement) or low (i.e. sadness, anxiety) these are the times when our creativity soars the most.

When our emotions are high we tend to be inspired and we want to share the amazing thoughts and ideas that are on our minds and hearts. The domino affect can be immeasurable.

Likewise, when our emotions are low, we need an outlet. Low emotions can often be a dangerous place as our human nature typically wants to reach out to the quickest source of relief. That source choice can often be unhealthy, and it is also temporary.

Taking your emotions out on your talent gives a healthy place to channel these emotions and often leads to work that has far reaching positive impact. It also provides a place of healing and enlightenment for us.

Whether your talent is writing, dance, music, art, sports, or any other art form, when emotions are high or low, this is the opportune time to push those emotions into enhancing your talent and producing greater work. 

Of course, we can and should work on our talents regularly, whether our emotions are high, low, or somewhere in between. The goal is to capitalize on the times where our creativity is at its peak.

Thoughts, comments, questions, or experiences to share? Post them here for us to share and grow together.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Getting back to your talents

It occurred to me, today, that it has been quite a while since I did one particular thing that I once loved to do and that is spend time writing. Writing is, and has always been, a passion that is very close to my heart. I have been blessed to self-publish three books and be offered a publishing contract (although I did not sign it on advice from my attorney).

Writing holds magic for me. It is a creative art form like so many others that we have the opportunity to partake in. The beautiful thing about writing is that everyone has a story to tell. That being said, anyone who desires, or needs, to share what is on their heart or on their mind can share in this way.

It is time for me to get back to that place. Not writing, for me, is like being away from home. There may be other things that hold your attention for a while but there is no place like home. Home is where we find peace, strength, and restoration.

Something to think about...... Have you spent any recent time on your art form? If yes, how much and how productive has it been? If no, why not and what would it take to get you back there? If you have a multitude of talents, what is your strategy to express yourself through them and encourage others to do the same?

I want to encourage you to embrace your talent and spend quality time enhancing it. We all have responsibilities but life is about balance. Spending time on your art form can provide benefits to you and to those that you inspire.

Thoughts, questions, or comments? Please share.