Thursday, December 28, 2017

Everyone Has a Story to Tell: Three Reasons to Write your Book

As I am finishing up the work on my latest book, Do What They Do, But Do It Like You, I can't help but reflect on the number of people I meet each year that express their desire to write a book but other things get in the way.

Either the person feels they are not qualified, they doubt others want to read their work, or the person feels they simply do not have the time to write their book.

Whatever the reason is, if you have the desire to write a book, then DO NOT let anything stop you. Even writing one sentence each day will eventually get you there.

Here are the reasons you need to do it, and stop allowing self-doubt or the negativity of others to get in the way:

1) Your book is bigger than you. If you have a strong desire to tell your story, or share your expertise, and you are sitting on it, then you are standing in the way of someone else's blessing. If you inspire even one person, isn't it worth it?

2) Release. Writing is therapeutic. Even if you need to tell your story, for yourself, put it on paper. You will be amazed at what it will become. You can always change the names to protect the guilty.

3) Become unleashed. The bonus in all of this is, once you complete this project, it will unleash all of the other desires you have kept inside for years. You will realize more than ever, that you are more than capable of accomplishing every dream you desire. There is only one you. And that person is strong, smart, and tough.

Now, get started right now. It doesn't need to be perfect. It just needs to be from you. Editing is secondary. Grab a piece of paper right now and write a sentence. After you right that sentence, congratulate yourself. Your book has begun.

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