Wednesday, August 7, 2019

As Many Day One's As It Takes

Good Morning Everyone,

Today is a new Day One for me.

For anyone that has followed me, you may remember me trying Keto a couple of months ago.

I loved it and was doing great the first four days but the Keto flu hit me on Day 5 and it hit way harder than I anticipated.

I have many friends that have been successful with Keto so I may try it again but not just yet.

So, today is another Day One.

And I will keep having Day One's until I find something that works for me and that I remain consistent on.

I will post updates each day.

For now, the plan is simple:

Chug a bottle of water first thing each morning, before eating anything.
No sugar.
Low carbs.
Meal prep.

Have advice for me? Please post below.

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