Saturday, August 10, 2019

Blogger's Withdrawal - Three Ideas to Get Back on Track

When you have gone weeks without working on your book, without blogging, without writing a poem, it can be tough for a writer. It is like going weeks without doing the thing you do, that you love.

For you, it could be singing, dancing, crafting.

Each of us has an artistic way we express ourselves. And when we go weeks without exercising that expression we go through withdrawal.

Here are 3 ideas to get your creative spark back:

  1. Take a glance through your favorite social media site and see what is trending. This may spark great ideas.
  2. Help others with their writing projects. It is amazing how much helping others, helps you in the process. Helping others is rewarding in its own right. You may also discover a love for coaching.
  3. Have a self-therapy session. Write down what currently brings you joy, what is frustrating, what is sad, and what you are grateful for. Writing on each side of the spectrum will assist in self-discovery and spark fresh ideas.

What do you do to get inspired and get back in the game?

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