Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Social Media is NOT the Benchmark for Your Success

Image result for image for social mediaSo many of us have a love/hate relationship with social media. We love how it helps us keep in touch with our loved ones who live far away. It helps us follow our favorite celebrities, get updates, news, etc.

The hard part comes in when we realize that after surfing our favorite social media sites, we begin to feel bad. For example, how many of us have seen relationship posts from certain couples and began to question your own relationship, or perhaps feel lonely or unloved?

We could write a whole book on this topic. However, just allow me to quickly say, social media is NOT the benchmark for your success. Not in any way, shape, or form.

And while there are so many reasons why I will give you a quick three:

  • No matter how long you have known someone, do not assume their social media account is an accurate reflection of their household. If it is, then be happy for them. Just understand it may not be and those posts should not impact how you feel about yourself or your own household.
  • Have you ever noticed how many angles we will take of pictures to make ourselves look as awesome as possible? Please do not make the mistake of measuring your own appeal off of pictures that are posted. I take these angles too..LOL. If someone really does look that good, then that is awesome. Realistically, there are a few things being hidden.
  • The only benchmark for your success is YOU. It is only You. Focus on being a better version of yourself. Your only competition is you. Be better. Do better. We got this! We are all capable, smart, and awesome.
Enjoy the good parts of social media and leave the rest. Nothing on social media defines you. We define ourselves. 

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