Monday, March 28, 2016

Monday Fitness: Time to Clean out the Fridge

Happy Monday Everyone! I hope everyone had an awesome holiday weekend.

Today's tip comes from Teresa Smith-Cisneros who reminds us: "Get rid of all your temptation in the house... Pre-plan meals, and prepare a few days worth of meals in advance. Helps me."

What does that temptation look like for you? 

For me it is anything salty, especially potato chips. For many others, sugar is their weakness. I can easily say no to donuts but when it comes to fried foods, I hardly put up a fight. Most of us have that comfort food that we reach for during certain times of the day.

Last week's tip from Coach Ben was about the 80/20 rule, reminding us that 80% of our fitness comes from what is on our plate. If you missed Coach Ben's comments you can find them here

That being said, Teresa's tip is right on time. It is detox time. If you are anything like me, you have excuses from time to time as to why we do not buy or maintain more healthy food choices in our homes.

1) Kids - We like to keep certain sweet treats around for our kids to enjoy. There is no harm in that, right? It depends. I have two teenagers at home. One is very disciplined and hardly ever touches sweet treats or other junk food. My other teenager sneaks sweet treats at night and has a root canal coming up because of it. 

Have tips for preparing healthy treats for kids? Comment or write me at In the month of April I plan to dedicate Monday Fitness blogs to helping our children become, and stay, healthy.

2) Money and Time - Bad foods are cheap and fast. I am guilty of this and have often grabbed fast food and other snacks when we are pressed for time. When there is work and school followed by other responsibilities such as children's sports or church activities, the time seems to get away quickly and meals are not planned. And you know what they say, when we fail to plan, we plan to fail.

Have tips on eating healthy on a budget? Comment or write me at I would love to feature you on a future edition of Monday Fitness.

Teresa Smith-Cisneros has it right with this week's tip to get rid of temptation, pre-plan meals, and cook in advance. It really takes away our excuses. Thank you, Teresa!

Stay tuned for next week's Monday Fitness blog, which will start the new month with raw and real advice on our children's health. Want to contribute? Comment or email me. 

Until then, let's make good choices.

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