Tuesday, November 1, 2016

From Epic Halloween Costume to National Celebrity! Lincoln Gill as Dwight Schrute...

That moment you ask your friend for her permission to blog about the amazing thing that happened when she posted her son's Halloween picture to Twitter.

By now, you may have seen this amazing picture that has not only gone viral but has been written about in Time magazine!! (If you missed the article, you can find it here)

My oldest daughter is a huge fan of The Office, so when I saw this picture on my friend, Ashley Gill's, timeline on Facebook, I immediately tagged my daughter so she could see it.

Clearly, the world agrees that this picture is priceless!

This cute little guy is Lincoln Gill, dressed as the character Dwight Schrute from the hit TV show, The Office. The photo caught national attention when one of the show's stars, Jenna Fischer, retweeted it. Since then, Lincoln has been the talk of the town, has been on the news, and who knows what is to come next.

It is so exciting when awesome things happen to amazing people! If you guys want to start booking Lincoln for commercials and TV spots, I recommend reaching out to his parents, Andrew and Ashley, right away before you miss your chance! :)

This little guy is a hard-working, alpha-toddler, who is going places!

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