Tuesday, December 27, 2016

May the force always be with Carrie Fisher!

It was so sad to hear about the passing of  Carrie Fisher today. My youngest daughter, who is 14 years old, is named after Princess Leia.

From what I have read about Carrie Fisher, she was much more than a great actress. She was a brave activist in the fight on mental illness awareness. She was outspoken, a warrior, and a champion to many.

My prayers are with her family, friends, and all of those who are mourning. Know that her legacy will never be forgotten!

The Health Struggle: It is Day 1.... Again

Hi Everyone,

You may remember my blog post from Thanksgiving where I questioned whether or not I was disciplined enough to splurge for that one day. If you missed it, here it is.

Well, it turns out I was not.

I derailed again. I have been pretty much eating whatever I want for the last few weeks. I have not weighed in but it was not until two days ago that I became motivated, again, to get back in the game.

So, it is Day 1 again. The other day, I did Zumba World Fitness Party on the Wii U for the first time in months and it felt great.

This will be my new daily routine. At least 30 minutes per day will be dedicated to Zumba.

I noticed that after doing Zumba I have been very conscious of what I am eating. It is almost as if my subconscious does not want to ruin the workout.

I will continue blogging my progress and I will continue along this health journey.

The only way I won't succeed is to quit!

Any advice or thoughts?

Makayla's First Hip Hop Concert Performance

Hey Family,

Here is a quick link to Makayla's solo performance at the Mesa High Hip Hop concert. I am so proud of her!!


Monday, December 12, 2016

Michael Floyd's DUI Arrest: Is the focus in the right place?

I was so sad to hear about Michael Floyd's DUI arrest today. I first heard the news while listening to 'Off the Edge with B-Train' on Arizona Sports 98.7FM.

Then, I read the full article on the Arizona Sports website. You can find it here.

I am not even sure where to start on this one. I do want to state, for the record, that I have zero inside information on this. I do not have a source and I do not personally know Michael Floyd.

I am just a fellow Cardinals fan that was sad to hear this news.

Needless to say, this is very bad news for his career and the team. More importantly, though, is the person.

Football aside, Michael Floyd being passed out at the wheel is a high concern for his health and the health of those around him.

My hope and prayer is that the focus, first and foremost, is on getting him the help he needs to get better.

This was a wreckless decision, on his part, and I am thankful no one was hurt. Alcoholism is a very dangerous addiction and it needs the attention right now. His career and the team, are second.
