Tuesday, December 27, 2016

The Health Struggle: It is Day 1.... Again

Hi Everyone,

You may remember my blog post from Thanksgiving where I questioned whether or not I was disciplined enough to splurge for that one day. If you missed it, here it is.

Well, it turns out I was not.

I derailed again. I have been pretty much eating whatever I want for the last few weeks. I have not weighed in but it was not until two days ago that I became motivated, again, to get back in the game.

So, it is Day 1 again. The other day, I did Zumba World Fitness Party on the Wii U for the first time in months and it felt great.

This will be my new daily routine. At least 30 minutes per day will be dedicated to Zumba.

I noticed that after doing Zumba I have been very conscious of what I am eating. It is almost as if my subconscious does not want to ruin the workout.

I will continue blogging my progress and I will continue along this health journey.

The only way I won't succeed is to quit!

Any advice or thoughts?

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