Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Social Media is NOT the Benchmark for Your Success

Image result for image for social mediaSo many of us have a love/hate relationship with social media. We love how it helps us keep in touch with our loved ones who live far away. It helps us follow our favorite celebrities, get updates, news, etc.

The hard part comes in when we realize that after surfing our favorite social media sites, we begin to feel bad. For example, how many of us have seen relationship posts from certain couples and began to question your own relationship, or perhaps feel lonely or unloved?

We could write a whole book on this topic. However, just allow me to quickly say, social media is NOT the benchmark for your success. Not in any way, shape, or form.

And while there are so many reasons why I will give you a quick three:

  • No matter how long you have known someone, do not assume their social media account is an accurate reflection of their household. If it is, then be happy for them. Just understand it may not be and those posts should not impact how you feel about yourself or your own household.
  • Have you ever noticed how many angles we will take of pictures to make ourselves look as awesome as possible? Please do not make the mistake of measuring your own appeal off of pictures that are posted. I take these angles too..LOL. If someone really does look that good, then that is awesome. Realistically, there are a few things being hidden.
  • The only benchmark for your success is YOU. It is only You. Focus on being a better version of yourself. Your only competition is you. Be better. Do better. We got this! We are all capable, smart, and awesome.
Enjoy the good parts of social media and leave the rest. Nothing on social media defines you. We define ourselves. 

Thoughts or comments? Post below.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Exit Strategy: A Poem

When you catch yourself drowning
When you find yourself reflecting on how the hell you got here in the first place

Nice girls finish last

It is time to gain your power back
It is time to get your spirit back
That fire is not gone

You made some bad decisions but who hasn't
Let it propel you
Excellence is waiting

The hardest part is the uncertainty
This is not who I am

It's not real until it is written so here it is.
The exit strategy....

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Praying for Kevin Hart and Jared Black

If you missed the update on the car crash, here is a link from the TMZ website.

When I heard the news about Kevin Hart, my heart dropped like it would for a close friend. I do not personally know Kevin Hart or know anyone that knows him. But, over the years of being a fan, reading his book, and seeing his posts and beautiful family on social media, I feel attached.

It hurt to hear that Kevin is hurt. Thankfully, it sounds like his back surgery went well. I pray Jared Black, the driver according to the TMZ report, is doing better as well. Thankfully, Jared's fiance (also according to the TMZ report) was able to walk away from the accident with minor injuries.

Kevin Hart is a living legend and I have no doubt this will be another part of life that he will conquer like a champion!

What was your thought when you heard about the accident? Share.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Andrew Luck’s Retirement - Why are Fans so Cray?

I, like you, was shocked when I heard about Andrew Luck’s retirement, but what I do not understand is why fans started to take off their jerseys and boo him. This man gave his all to the organization and  has suffered some very serious injuries. Someone leaked the story early.

Please help me understand why this man deserves anything less than appreciation for a job well done?

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Blogger's Withdrawal - Three Ideas to Get Back on Track

When you have gone weeks without working on your book, without blogging, without writing a poem, it can be tough for a writer. It is like going weeks without doing the thing you do, that you love.

For you, it could be singing, dancing, crafting.

Each of us has an artistic way we express ourselves. And when we go weeks without exercising that expression we go through withdrawal.

Here are 3 ideas to get your creative spark back:

  1. Take a glance through your favorite social media site and see what is trending. This may spark great ideas.
  2. Help others with their writing projects. It is amazing how much helping others, helps you in the process. Helping others is rewarding in its own right. You may also discover a love for coaching.
  3. Have a self-therapy session. Write down what currently brings you joy, what is frustrating, what is sad, and what you are grateful for. Writing on each side of the spectrum will assist in self-discovery and spark fresh ideas.

What do you do to get inspired and get back in the game?

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

As Many Day One's As It Takes

Good Morning Everyone,

Today is a new Day One for me.

For anyone that has followed me, you may remember me trying Keto a couple of months ago.

I loved it and was doing great the first four days but the Keto flu hit me on Day 5 and it hit way harder than I anticipated.

I have many friends that have been successful with Keto so I may try it again but not just yet.

So, today is another Day One.

And I will keep having Day One's until I find something that works for me and that I remain consistent on.

I will post updates each day.

For now, the plan is simple:

Chug a bottle of water first thing each morning, before eating anything.
No sugar.
Low carbs.
Meal prep.

Have advice for me? Please post below.

Monday, April 22, 2019

"Do What They Do, But Do It Like You" is available on Amazon!

For anyone who has been following this blog for the last few years, you may remember this post from two years ago.

During this time, I was working on the concept of a book I wanted to write.

That book is now finished and available on Amazon!!

Do What They Do, But Do It Like You is a work that is near and dear to my heart.

This book leads the reader through strategies and questions to discover how we can implement what we learn from others while maintaining what makes us uniquely great.

Get your copy today for only $6.99! 

Looking forward to hearing your feedback and your updates after completing the activities.

How I am losing the weight

For the past several weeks I have been on a journey to get back into healthy habits. This time I decided not to post when I was starting and see what happens.

It has been such a blessing to have friends and family notice and ask what I am doing.

For the most part, I am being conscious of what I eat and how much I am eating take-out food.

This strategy not only helps with making better decisions but saves a lot of money.

In addition, I have been using Arbonne products. I am not here to tell you that one health product is better than another. However, I wanted to share what I am using.

Exercise will be the next thing I add to the plan. I am excited about my results so far and will keep going.

While there will be many that debate what strategy you use, what products you use, and how you decide to execute your health plan, I would say find a groove that works for you and stick with it.