Monday, June 6, 2016

Monday Fitness: Public Weightloss Journal - Entry #6

Happy Monday, Everyone! I hope your weekend was relaxing and enjoyable.

With some great help, I moved to a new apartment this weekend so it was busy and exhausting :)

Over the past week, with the moving, I got off track on my nutrition plan. Not way off track, but had a few snacks and things that I would not normally eat.

Weigh-in today is 164.0 so pretty much the same as last week's 163.8. Next milestone goal is still to get under 160.

The lesson I learned this week can be summed in the famous saying "If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail." - Benjamin Franklin

With the hustle and bustle of moving, there were times where I got hungry or my energy was down and I opted for quick food options.

While, I did not completely go off of my plan in the last week, there a few things I had that are not in my plan. For example, I had two sodas this weekend. And I also had two fried foods. Other than that, I think I had a couple of potato chips.

Everything else I ate or drank was within my plan. Now, that the move is out of the way, I feel back on track already.

What do you do when you look up and realize you have gotten busy and failed to plan? Share your stories and advice with us.

Have a story that you would like featured on a future edition of Monday Fitness? Email me at

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