Monday, August 22, 2016

Monday Fitness: Public Weightloss Journal - Entry #15

Happy Monday, Everyone! Not sure what happened but somehow I went back up a little over 1lb. My weigh-in this morning is 160.8.

For those of you that have been following my weightloss journey, you know my goal has been to get away from 160 and not see it again :)

While it is a bit too soon for me to see the scale under 160, consistently, I am determined to get there. I was a little discouraged to see 160.8 this morning as I was hoping to have dropped another lb or 2.

Not to worry though. You can't keep a determined girl down long....LOL

I have one question that I need to ask today. I have noticed that I have lost weight everywhere except my mid-section. For a while I thought I gained weight back because I thought my mid-section got bigger when actually everything around it got smaller.

Is that something where I just need to wait and eventually it will start to catch up? Judging by the way my clothes fit, my mid-section has decreased some as well but it clearly is much slower than the rest of me :)


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