Monday, August 15, 2016

Monday Fitness: Public Weightloss Journal - Entry #14

Happy Monday, Everyone!

It has been a couple of weeks since I posted an update so I will get straight to the point :)

I am holding steady. My weigh-in this morning is 159.6!

Last weekend I celebrated my 37th birthday, which I am so grateful for. Admittedly, over the last couple of weeks I have slipped in my eating.

I have been craving salty things and have indulged in nachos and various fried foods. Thankfully, I think I am coming out of that because I haven't craved it as much over the last few days.

I actually went back up about 3lbs but then it came right back off. I think I have Pokemon Go to thank for getting it back off right away. :)

It is fun and great exercise to walk around the park with my family. It is also great to see all of the exercise that many others are getting. I see people of various ages, shapes, and sizes, all out in the park getting exercise.

My goals this week are to refocus on my eating habits and get a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise every single day.

What are your health goals this week? How can we reach out and keep one another motivated?

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