Monday, August 29, 2016

Monday Fitness: Is it normal to crave weird things while on your nutrition plan?

Happy Monday, All! It is much later in the day than I would normally post but I could not let the day get by without checking in with everyone.

In the past week, I have been consistent with my walking but very inconsistent with my eating habits. I have been craving more and more salt and things completely off of my nutrition plan.

I am not sure if I am feeling stress or what but I have been making very poor decisions with my diet. I did not realize until this evening that I am also craving odd things from what I normally eat. This evening, I thought it would be a great idea to eat a peanut butter and pickle sandwich and it was epic! (I found this picture online when I searched peanut butter and pickles to see if anyone else eats it)

I have not had cravings like that in years. The last time I craved this things, I was pregnant and I would eat peanut butter, jelly, pickles, and potato chip sandwiches....LOL

Since then, due to tumors in my uterus and on my ovaries, I have had a total hysterectomy, so it is very safe to say I am not pregnant.

However, I have allowed my cravings to get the best of me and I am concerned about losing all of the progress I have made over the last several months.

Has this happened to any of you? I have come too far to be derailed but admit I need help getting refocused. I will happily take your advice.

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