Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Rant Wednesday: Wedding Debt

Happy Wednesday, Everyone!
Welcome to this week's edition of Rant Wednesday. It is a special edition brought to you by a gorgeous and amazing friend of mine named, Erica Laidler.
Erica shared this post on Facebook and I asked her permission to share it here. Check it out:
"I'm watching one of my favorite TV shows called Life or Debt..long story short this couple just said they had their dream wedding and honeymoon and paid for it with credit cards!!! What on earth did I just miss?!?! Is this normal? Why would people go into a marriage with that kind of debt? And, why would you pay for a wedding with credit cards?! I'm a firm believer that if it's not in your bank account, you clearly can't have it. Here I am working on my wedding budget baffled by people's mindsets and priorities. You will not catch me trying to please/impress others with material things. ‪#‎rantover‬ ‪#‎Sorrynotsorry‬ ‪#‎peoplearereallybroke‬ ‪#‎craziness‬"

This is a relatable issue, right? One of the top reasons for divorce is financial issues. That being the case, it doesn't seem logical to start the marriage in massive debt.

However, we can also relate to the thought pattern of those who feel you only get married once and there is nothing wrong with splurging. If the money is available then that is a decision for the couple to decide how to allocate it. But, let's face it, we sometimes get caught up in the fairy tale aspect and our decisions are based on emotion rather than future thinking. 

Isn't there a middle ground on this? What would be your advice on this and what specific recommendations would you give for couples who are engaged or thinking about getting engaged, as it pertains to wedding debt?

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