Monday, September 26, 2016

Monday Fitness: Bad Food is like a Bad Relationship

Happy Monday, Everyone!

I will jump right in. Ever since I allowed myself to eat whatever I wanted for my birthday weekend (which was quite a few weeks ago) I have remained with my old habits. These are habits that I had successfully broken for 4 months straight. My weight was down and I was feeling good.

But, I allowed myself to indulge, telling myself it was just for the weekend. It was fun while it lasted but my weight is back up and I feel the sluggishness in my body.

It wasn't until I stopped for coffee this morning and also got a burrito and a hashbrown that I realized that bad food is a lot like a bad relationship.

  • It looks, smells, and tastes really good
  • It is comforting (temporarily)
  • It is cheap...LOL
  • It is like an addiction
  • It can leave you feeling bad physically and emotionally
  • It is easy to run to
  • It welcomes you back time and again
  • It damages you
  • It impacts what you see when you look in the mirror (both externally and internally)
  • It doesn't stop until you have had enough

Can anyone relate?

So, what do we do about it (Other than airing it out in a blog)? :)

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