Sunday, September 18, 2016

My Marriage Ebook Project - Are You Totally Winning At Marriage? It is Time to Teach and Guide Others

**Here is the notice I sent out to couples interested in contributing to my book, Totally Winning At Marriage. This book will be given out completely free once it is completed. If you would like to contribute, please see this notice and email me at michagoudeau@gmail or with your responses***
I am so excited to provide you with the questions I am attempting to tackle in this book. I am even more excited for all of the people who will learn and grow as a result of your shared wisdom. My prayer is your feedback is the precise key needed to breathe life back into someone's marriage.

The question are listed below. Please answer what you are comfortable answering and do not answer anything you are uncomfortable with answering. 

Please review this with your spouse and give both of your thoughts. If one person has feedback on a question but the other does not, please indicate if it is the husband or the wife providing the answer.
Let me know if you have any questions and thank you so much! I pray God blesses you with 100 more years of winning marriage.
  • People often say the key to marriage is communication and trust. While no one would disagree, please give a deeper answer as to the key(s) to winning at marriage.
  • How did you choose your spouse? (Not necessarily how you met but feel free to share that if you would like to)
  • How long have you been married? Is this your first marriage?
  • Where do you feel marriages often go wrong?
  • Have you ever considered quitting? What sustained you? (Not asking you to reveal all of your personal details and not trying to get you to revisit any painful memories. Think of what others would need to hear to help them)
  • In your opinion, is there ever a valid reason for separation? For divorce?
  • Give advice in the areas of faith, money, children/family, friends, and sex.
  • What is your real and raw advice for couples who have lost their way in marriage, or who are consideration calling it quits?
  • Husbands - Please provide words of advice specifically for other husbands.
  • Husbands - Please provide words of advice specifically for wives, from a husband's perspective.
  • Wives - Please provide words of advice specifically for other wives.
  • Wives - Please provide advice specifically for husbands so they can hear from a wife's perspective.
Lastly, feel free to submit pictures with your submission. Also, feel free to provide information on your business or ministry and it will be included in the book.

If possible, please provide your submission within the next 14 days.

Thank you and I hope this is a great experience for you and your spouse. If you want to provide your social media or email addresses to be included for readers to reach out to you, then feel free to do that as well.

Love you guys,

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