Saturday, September 10, 2016

World Suicide Prevention Day

I shared this on Facebook a few moments ago and wanted to share it here as well:

"I just read on Twitter that it is World Suicide Prevention Day...that being said I want you to know that if you need a reminder, here it is......You are loved, You are worthy, You are more than a conqueror, You are Needed, You have so much greatness in you that the enemy wants to keep you from realizing. Show the enemy he doesn't win you....not today, and not ever! If you are struggling, reach out. You are NOT alone. We are in this together! I love you...and more importantly God the Father loves you to a level we can never fully comprehend."

Guys, we are in a spirit war. Depression is real. But, the good news is that Love is also real and it conquers all! That is how we battle. We must show love now more than we ever have!

Please say a kind word to as many people as possible, every chance you get. You make a difference whether you realize it or not.

Be blessed!

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