Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Rant Wednesday: 3 Things to Stop Saying if you Don't Mean It

Happy Wednesday, Everyone!

I hope your week is great so far. This week's rant is based on things we often say out of habit that we should stop saying in an effort to avoid confusion and hurt feelings.

These are things that most people have good intentions about but they say them without thinking, when they truly do not mean it.

Here are 3 examples:

"How are you doing?"

This is something that most of us say when greeting others. I do not believe anyone means any harm but have you ever noticed yourself saying this but not paying attention to how the person responds? Or, someone asks how you are doing but keeps walking? Also, most of us just say we are fine even when we are not because we know the person is being polite and likely does not have the time or capacity to listen or assist. We could all benefit from removing this from our greeting and only asking when we truly mean it.

"Can I bring anything?"

Often, when attending a party or dinner at someone's home a person will ask the host what they can bring. Now, if you mean it, then please ask because it is an awesome thing to do. However, if you cannot afford to bring anything or you know you really do not want to, then simply do not ask. This avoids stress and frustration. Do not ask just because it sounds good. If money is the issue and you still want to help, then instead of asking what you can bring, wait until you are there and ask how you can help in the kitchen or in some other way.

"I will be there."

I am sure we can do a whole new blog post on this one :) How many of us have committed to something without thinking and either cancel at the last minute, or decide not to show up. This is very inconsiderate to the person counting on you. It is better to think it through and not commit right away. Or, if something comes up, let the person know right away as opposed to not showing up.

What has your experience been with these things? Are there other sayings you can think of that we should all stop saying?

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